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PTA Welcoming Coffee -

August 20 - 9am

Click HERE for the Agenda


Local Control & Accountability Plan

Under California's new local control funding scheme, all school districts are required to complete a Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) that represents their spending plans on services for students including identified sub groups of students.  Each district must engage and involve its constituents (stakeholders) in the development of its LCAP and make a copy of the plan available to the public for review and comment.  The LCAP must be adopted by the district's Board of Trustees following a public hearing at the same meeting it adopts its 2014-2015 budget.

Click here for a draft, which is scheduled for adoption on June 23, 2014.  If you wish to comment on the LCAP, please send your comments to Superintendent Jeff Baier at

LASD Scoliosis Screening Dates are 4/14 for 8th grade boys and 4/15 for 7th grade girls.

If you do not want your child included in the screening please print this form and return it to the school office - Scoliosis Form

The Egan PTA is happy to announce the Slate of the 2014-15 Executive Board.


President: Karen Schuster
Exec VP: Corinne Machatzke
VP Communication: Margaret Yen
Secretary: Julie Altinger
Treasurer: Harpreet Parmar
Financial Secretary: Nan Jacob
Historian: Alice Lee
Parliamentarian: Tanya Maluf (not an elected position)
Auditor: Anne Toth

Session 3 (3/3-6/11)  Hot Lunch Ordering is now open. 

Egan staff attended a District sponsored Professional Learning Day. The overarching theme Preparing for Common Core, began with understanding The Depth of Knowledge Chart (next generation Bloom's Taxonomy, with the emphasis on what we ask students to do to provide opportunities to think critically and creatively). DOK is giving students learning opportunities to go deeper and use creative thinking and reasoning to demonstrate understanding.

This online system will help Egan families through the BTS process. To access, click here. For the password refer to Brenda's Back Channel (BBC) or contact the school office at (650) 917-2200.

Egan is pleased to announce that for the 2013-/2014 school year hot lunch will be provided by Pasta Market, and Spot Pizza.

Click here to see the new menu items for the Session 1 is August 21 thru November 1.

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