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Egan Yosemite Trip (EYT)

Egan Jr. High is very excited to announce we will be taking all 8th graders to Yosemite for a week of learning.  The organization that runs the trip is NatureBridge at Yosemite

This exciting trip is fast approaching! Click here for the full packing list.

We will plan to collect boots for students who don't have them.  If you have an extra pair of boots that are in serviceable condition, simply drop them in the boot box in the Egan office, beginning in May.

Yosemite Forms

Presentation 1: March 2025 

Presentation 2: TBD

  • Egan Yosemite Sign Up Form (Yellow)

Please contact our District Nurses directly for questions or concerns regarding medications/health and Yosemite at

Yosemite Chaperone Application Deadline September 1, 2024

NatureBridge: 209-379-9511

Important Dates - Yosemite 2024-2025
8/27/2024 Yosemite packets are sent home
8/27/2024 Yosemite packets are due
9/01/2024 Yosemite Cheperone application due (optional)
8/27/2024 Final Payment with registration/forms 1-5b due (Blue)
TBD Cabin group signups
TBD Yosemite Parent Meeting at 6:30pm 
TBD LASD Tylenol/Advil form 6 due (Green)
TBD LASD Yosemite Medication forms 7 & 8 due (Pink) 
TBD Boot check
TBD Students wear boots at school
10/21-10/25 Yosemite trip!


Yosemite Packing List

Egan Packing List Must Haves:

  • Hiking boots
  • Tennis shoes
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Flash lights
  • Warm clothing
  • Day Pack
  • Water Bottles

Please see the NatureBridge website to view the full packing list.

Note – Fitted sheets and pillows will be provided.

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