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Patricia Hsuan


Hello, I am Ms. Hsuan, I am your art/architecture teacher this semester.I teach art and architecture classes at both Blach and Egan middle school.I can speak two languages. I am originally from Taiwan, do you know where Taiwan is? I have a degree in Art, Architecture and Interior Design from San Jose State University.I love painting, sculpting, designing and doing things that are creative. I have a son, he is 18 years old, he is in school in Ireland. I love animals and I have a special pet, a Brazilian rainbow boa constrictor! His name is Chief, named by my son after the Indian Chieftains. When I am not working or doing creative things, I love hiking, dancing, watching musicals ,concerts, and, of course, artsy movies; most of all, I love traveling to see different countries and to learn about different cultures.

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