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Physical Education/Leadership
Can Huynh

9 years ago, during my first Back to School Night at Egan, I remember telling our parents that this is where I planned on retiring, and that feeling is still present in me. After graduating from Kinesiology at Sacramento State University, I jumped right into working with students with severe emotional disorders for 2 years before coming to Egan. Those two years have provided me with the ability to connect and build relationships with our students through understanding and empathy. During the last 9 years, I believe Physical Education is crucial in not only teaching our students healthy habits and lifestyles, it’s also a place where students can learn to release stress, build relationships, take risks, and about themselves. Structure play is said to be one of the most effective ways to make connections and build relationships. I hope to continue to use Physical Education as a way to create a positive impact on our students.

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