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Team Selection:

Students are placed on teams based on standards established for each sport, including grade, skill level, and work ethics. Due to high interest and limited space, some sports may have tryouts to determine teams. Most sports will have two teams; 7th and 8th grade. 

Cross Country, Wrestling, and Track & Field are co-ed non- cut sports.

Wrestling will be divided by weight classification into Varsity & JV teams.

Cross Country and Track & Field will have 4 teams; 7th Boys, 7th Girls, 8th Boys, 8th Girls. 

Tryouts are generally held one or two weeks prior to the start of each sport season. Tryouts are held after school from 3:05pm and generally last until 4:30- 5:00pm. It is the intention of the athletic program to encourage all students to try out for all sports in which they have an interest. It is also a reality that there are often more students interested in a sport than we can have on a team. In these occurrences, realize that cuts will take place and that each coach labors over these decisions. Selections will be based on attitude, skill level, and academic standing.

Please understand that the Valley Athletic League is a competitive league, not solely recreational in nature. Any questions regarding the placement of a student or specific concerns during the season should be directed to the coach. 

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