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We are dedicated to enhancing the education of our students. On any given day, you will find a service or program that the PTA supports with volunteers and/or with funding. We hope you will join us! Read the PTA's Goals and General Information below.
Please contact the Egan PTA President if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Check out our Committees: Helping out at Egan page.
There are six PTA meetings during the school year: September, November, January, February, April, and May. Each meeting is held on the first Thursday of the month, 8:45-10:00 AM, in the Egan Library.
2024-2025 Meeting Minutes/Agenda
Other PTA Organizations
Goals and General Info
The Egan Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is dedicated to enhancing the education of students at Egan Junior High. Egan is a special place for our children due to exceptional staff and teachers as well as our extraordinarily supportive parents. Your student’s tenure at Egan will pass quickly, but during that time we hope you will share your time, talents and financial support with the PTA and with the school overall.
Goals – As a part of our ongoing goal of supporting student, staff, and parent programs at Egan, we would like to increase the use of online resources to facilitate communication between school, students, and parents. In addition to the Viking Chronicla, we encourage you to check the Egan website at regularly as your most comprehensive source of information. Our goals for the year also include financial support for the student and staff technology needs, campus facilities improvements, as well as staff professional development and wellness.
Membership - All Egan parents and teachers are invited to join the PTA. Membership dues are $20 per year. Last year we had 642 members, representing about 80% of our families. We greatly value the participation of all Egan families and hope every family will join the PTA.
Meetings – PTA meetings are held the first Thursday of every month. The meetings begin at 8:45 am in the library and last until approximately 10:00 am. Meetings consist of: an update by our principal Coni Cullimore on any issues of the moment and often a very interesting and insightful look at selected topics dealing with the young teen age group; a short presentation by one of the staff or a selected teacher; and a short business meeting to approve expenditures, to approve minutes of the last meeting, and to hear from committee chairs about the status of on-going events and activities. You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish.
Most importantly, we hope you’ll be involved. Consider serving Hot Lunch, helping with the Viking Showcase or Holiday Faire, or contributing to the underpinnings of many programs by joining and participating in the PTA. Please take a minute to complete the volunteer sign-up sheet in the Back to School site or join us at the Back to School Coffee for parents on the first day of school at 9:00am in the courtyard. It's never too late to check out our "Committees: Helping out at Egan" page (above) and reach out to our PTA co-presidents.
It looks to be another great year and we look forward to meeting our members, new and old. Our first PTA meeting will be the first Thursday of September at 8:45am in the Library. We hope to see you there!
Egan PTA Co-Presidents
3/16/25 8:19 AM